Wednesday, March 16, 2011

M Tamate: News from Japan

Dear my concerned friends:

As I have already told some of you, my immediate family, my parents and brother, are all safe. I have been extremely worried about my numerous relatives in Miyagi prefecture, where my father is originally from, that was hardest hit by the earthquake and tsunami.

Today I finally have a news to share about my relatives there. One of my father's seven siblings in Miyagi Prefecture and his wife have survived the quake and are not affected by the Tsunami. According to him (my uncle), my other relatives "should be" all right, because they are mostly in the mountains. This news was brought to  us by my cousin (this uncle's son) who works in Tokyo.  This uncle is one of a few relatives that actually live in the city, so we were most worried about him, and the news was a great relief to my family.

We still hope that our other relatives and everyone else in the affected areas can recover from the damages and the shock as soon as possible.

I thank all of you for your continuing support.  I can't express with my words how much I appreciate your supports, concerns, and just being there for me at this difficult time!


Mariko Tamate
Senior Lecturer in Japanese
Dept. of Modern Languages & Cultures
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY 14627

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